Membership Forms
Membership Sign Up - English
Membership Sign Up - Espanol
Class Parent Info Letter & Sign Up - English
Class Parent Info Letter & Sign Up - Espanol
Financial Forms
All financial forms will be reviewed by the executive board at the general membership meetings. An approval vote will take place at the meeting, and all requesters will be informed of the boards decision. Please refer to the meeting schedule above and plan accordingly.
All HSA funds must be used to benefit Berkeley Elementary School students’ health, welfare, safety, or education, and your request will be considered in light of those requirements.
Budget Request Form - This form should be used for any request that does not have an approved budget attached to it. Things that might fall under this form are newly proposed events, programming, staff appreciation ideas etc that want to be considered for approval by the executive board.
Reimbursement Request Form - This form should be used for expenses that have been approved by the HSA Executive Board, that were made using personal funds.
Cash Box Request Form - This form should be used for any event based in person collection of funds that requires cash on hand for change (i.e. Tricky Tray, Trunk or Treat, Pop up Shops, Snack Sales etc).
Money Count Sheet - This worksheet will be provided in the cash box. It requires two people to certify the starting cash counts and two people to certify the ending cash counts. Upon completion submit the completed worksheet, cash and cashbox to the Treasurer.
Teacher/Staff Forms
Teacher/Staff Request Form - This form should be used by Teachers and Staff ONLY for any requests they may have (including classroom requests, programming requests, etc). These requests will be voted on at the general membership meeting (please see schedule above & plan accordingly)
Teacher/Staff Check Request Form - This form should be used to request a check from the HSA to cover pre-approved HSA funded programming and events (i.e. Field Trips, Pastries for Parents, Orientation/Graduation expenses)