Welcome to Berkeley!
Please visit the Bloomfield Schools website for the full 2023-24 school year calendar: Bloomfield School. District Calendars
To fully realize the learning opportunities and benefits of school, it is imperative that students are attending school daily and arriving punctually. The expectation is that all students arrive by 8:30 AM. All absences must be reported by leaving a voicemail on the Student Absence line. You can reach this by calling the main office (973) 680-8540 and pressing 4 when you reach the pre-recorded directory. All absences should prior to the start of the school day.
Below please find our regular daily schedule. Please note these times will vary on early dismissal days or delayed openings.
Breakfast is available to all students beginning at 8:30 AM. Students who want to partake in school breakfast should join the breakfast line, with their appropriate grade level. Each breakfast line will be escorted into breakfast by a teacher.
More information can be found on the Bloomfield Schools website: https://www.bloomfield.k12.nj.us/m/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=365119&type=d
Lunch is available daily for $3. Money can be loaded into student accounts through Pay Schools . There is no charge for students who qualify for free/reduced lunch. The menu can be found here:
More information can be found on the Bloomfield Schools website: https://www.bloomfield.k12.nj.us/m/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=365119&type=d
Student cell phones and other personal electronic devices (such as smartwatches) should be turned off and stored in backpacks throughout the school day. During the school day, if a student needs to call home, he/she must seek teacher permission to do so from the main office. A student cell phone may only be used on school grounds in an emergency situation or before or after school with staff supervision.
Student drop-off begins at 8:30 AM. Students in grades 1-6 are to walk to the back of the building to their designated homeroom area. They will be escorted into the building by a teacher. Kindergarten lines up in the front of the building by the Front Doors. Kindergarten will be escorted into the building by their teacher. LLD classes will line up outside of the Piano lobby. LLD teachers will escort students into their classroom.
Student entry begins at 8:30 AM. Any student reporting after 8:40 AM is considered tardy. Tardy students must buzz at the Door 2 at the back of the school to gain entry.
The parking lots in the front and back of Berkeley School are for staff parking and may not be used to drop off or pick up students. Bloomfield Avenue, directly in front of the school is a no parking zone. Please do not park there. There is plenty of parking on the side streets surrounding the school.
We have many students who walk to and from school. Please be cautious and alert when driving/parking around the school zone.
Student dismissal will be at 3:20 PM daily. Dismissal locations will be reviewed by your child’s classroom teacher at the start of the school year. Children will be dismissed at the same doors they entered through. Grades 1-6 will be dismissed through the doors at the back of the school. Kindergarten will be released through the main doors at the front of the schools. LLD students will be dismissed through the piano lobby doors. Students who are not picked up on time will be brought to the main office.
If a child is to be picked up early, a parent/guardian must send an email aisallari@bloomfield.k12.nj.us or call the main office (973) 680-8540 with specific details regarding time, who is picking the student up, and the reason for the early dismissal. At the time of pick up, the responsible party must ring the front door bell to gain access to the building and then process sign out with the main office. Only the parent/guardian or person designated in note may pick student up and should be prepared to present identification to the main office. Students will not be released to anyone under the age of 18.
During specified days indicated in the school calendar, students will be dismissed at 12:30 PM. This may be to accommodate parent conferences, staff professional development, or precede a holiday break. It is important to be aware of the school calendar and read all school communications to ensure to note these days. Please note that lunch is not served on half days. Students are expected to be picked up on time.
Recess will be held daily for thirty (30) minutes. This is a chance for students to exercise and socialize with their peers while enhancing their cooperation, problem solving, perseverance, and communication skills. In the event of inclement weather, recess will be held inside the school building.
Throughout the school year, the principal and administrative staff will keep families informed of important information pertaining to your students through School Messenger generated emails. Please make sure your email address is up to date and accurate and email is checked regularly.
PowerSchool is an important resource to stay connected to the school and find information about your child including grades, attendance, schedule, etc. All families must register for a PowerSchool account. For questions, please reach out to our school media specialist, Mrs. Brown at: albrown@bloomfield.k12.nj.us.
The school will work diligently to ensure that communication home is clear and consistent. Our virtual backpack will send pertinent information home weekly, usually on Thursdays, with all relevant handouts, updates, and other important communications. Please check your email regularly and do not hesitate to reach out to the school if you require any clarification or further information.
Class Dojo is a mobile app that our teachers use to communicate with families about all the amazing things happening at Berkeley. There is a main school story page where school wide events, HSA Events, and community events will be shared. There is also a messages tab where you can communicate directly with your children’s teachers. To ensure you are able to connect with teachers, you will need to be connected directly to their classroom. Teachers will send classroom invites out at the beginning of the school year. For questions, please reach out to Ms. Brown at: jbrown@bloomfield.k12.nj.us